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About the Poet
Syed Ameeruddin is one of the distinguished poets writing in English today. He is widely published, anthologized, translated and critically acclaimed in India and abroad. He has published SIX collections of poems and THREE reputed anthologies on World Poetry, His well known 'Indian Verse in English5 - was acclaimed as the finest, all comprehensive and the most representative anthology of our time.
He is considered Leafier of World Poetry - His voice will ring for ages. He is the pioneer in creating the world poetry movement in India. He in association with Dr.Krishna Srinivas - convened the historic 'All India Poets Meet5 in Chennai - in the year 1971,1972 and an Asian Poets Meet in 1975 - bringing out special number of the Indian poetry in English - issues of the 'POET' Intercontinental monthly from Chennai.
He visited U.S twice to attend the World Congress of Poets in San Francisco (1981) and in Florida (1985) and was also honoured at the Florida Congress as "Laurel Man of Letters". He also visited Bangkok, Thailand (1988) Istanbul, Turkey (1991) and Taipei, Republic of China (1994) - to attend the World Congress of Poets - to chair sessions and read his poems. He also visited Several American and U.K. Universities on a lecture cum poetiy reading tour.He was awarded the Michael Madhusudan Award for literature Calcutta - 1988. He was also awarded the Australia Day award for literature - 1990, Melbourne, Australia. He has been honoured with the - Literary Award for World Peace - 2004, by the Literary Academy of World Peace. U.S.A . He is one of the contributors to the Routledge Encyclopedia of Commonwealth Literature, London. He has been elected Honorary Professor of Letters by the Temple of Arts Academy International, New York,U.S.A. He was also the Vice-Chairman of the Indian Association of English Studies, LAES., Member Executive Board; Indian Society for Commonwealth studies, ISCS, New Delhi and the member of the Editorial Board of its official organ - 'The Commonwealth Review,'; He was also honoured with -"DOVE IN PEACE AWARD" - for excellence in World Poetry - A Gold Medallion - year 2000 - by the Poetry Day Australia International, Melbourne, Australia. He was also awarded the highest academic honour - as a "PROFESSOR OF DISTINCTION" - by the - SOKA UNIVERSITY, TOKYO, JAPAN. He has contributed several hundreds of critical articles on World Literature - and reflective and analytical articles ~~ on higher education in India. He is also the chairman - to Board of Advisors ~ to American Biographical Institute, North Carolina,USA
Finds his name mentioned in the historic - 'Indian Writing in English' by K.R.Sriaivas Iyengar, Sahitya Academy, New Delhi* Finds his name mentioned in the International book ol honour, Directory of International Writers, U.S.A. Men and Women of Distinction, International Authors and Writers - WHO's WHO, Asia - England, World Commonwealth Directory of Education, Science and Culture, U.S.A. Several doctorates and M.Phils have been awarded on his poetry by several Universities in India and abroad. He was a Professor and Head, P.G and research Department of English, New College, University of Madras. He is the Founder-President of the Prof.S.A.Educational Trust and the Chairman of the Prof.S.A. Group of Educational Institutions. He is the Founder and President of the world reputed literary Organization 'International Poets Academy9. He is the Editor of the much acclaimed International Journal 'International Poetry'. He is the poetry maestro and a mentor to several Poetry Organisations and Academies in India and abroad.
Syed Ameeruddin, born on 5th December, 1942 in a highly orthodox Syed Muslim family, in Guntakal, A.P, After his early education at Guntakal, he did his Masters Degree in English literature - from Muslim University, Aligarh in the year 1966. Then pursued his research studies from Madras University. He joined as a Lecturer in English in the year 1968 - in New College - Chennai, and continued his academic career in the same college and retired ^5 the chief Professor and Head P.G.and Research Department of English, New College in the yeaf - 1995.
WOW III 'What a poet III I enjoyed immensely the welt constructed words of Dr.Syed Ameeruddin in his book "Visioned Summits'' and "Visions of Deliverance". It is indeed an honor to read his unique style of writing To put it mildly, the world has Seen blest with his words and long may his words live. His poetry is truly a Bouquet for one's eyes and a symphony for one's ears.
Joy Rainey King - U.S.A Recipient of:
- International Peace Prize by the United Cultural Convention, UNO, And
- Nobel Prize and in Literature - Nominee - 2008.
Books Published:
What the Himalaya Said and other poems – 1972
Published by: Kalaivardan Publications Madras - 2
The Dreadful Doom to come and other poems – 1974
Pub. By: Poets Press India Madras - 17.
A Lover and a Wanderer - 1980
Pub. By: Poets Press India Madras - 17.
Petallic Love Times - 1988
Pub. By: Poets Press India Madras - 17.
Visioned Summits - 1995
Pub by: International Poets Academy Chennai- 14
Visions of Deliverance - 2006
Pub by: International Poets Academy Chennai -14
Rainbow Rhapsodies - 2010
Pub by. International Poets Academy Chennai -14
Reputed Anthologies:
"Poet International Monthly" - - 1971
(Special Indian Number- Edited)
"Indian Verse in English" - A contemporary Anthology - 1977
Pub. By: Poets Press India Madras - IT.
"New Voices" - In Indian Poetry in English - 1981
Pub. By: Sayeeda Publications Madras - 17.
"Poet International'Special Number on -
(Dr. Syed's & Kamala Das's Poetry)- - 1985
(Edited : Dr. Krishna Srinivas)
"Voices International" - An anthology of World Poetry - 1982
Pub. By; Sayeeda Publications Madras -17.
"Contemporary Vibes" - Special focus on -
"Dr. Syed Ameeruddin - The Legend Speaks" - 2010
JL Untitled Poetry Collections under publication.
'Critical responses to Sved Ameeruddin3 s Poetry": under Publication.
And several critical articles and Reviews published in various leading literary Journal in India and abroad