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Dear Poet,


Down the Ages, POETRY has gripped the imagination of Humanity and Poets with vision and dynamism rule the minds of Millions.

From homer to Virgil, from Dante to Shakespeare, from Goethe to Eliot, these dazzling chains of fire have blossomed immortal Epics that stay ever green in our minds.

Associational imagery, Confessional pouring defying analysis, Surrealistic experimentations - all these are hallmarks of modern Parnassus. And Poet to achieve prominence must give his BEST and stay remembered.

Our Academy rs started to bring all World Poets into one clan-their sole Motto being Universal Brotherhood and Peace and one World in the field of Creativity and all New Voices heard in all the Six Continents in the pages of our Periodical INTERNATIONAL POETRY.

The Academy also will have the unique distinction of patronising, honouring, publicising critically highlighting - and striving for - universal status - to all the deserving Poets of International eminence.

Further, the Academy proposes to organise International Seminars and Symposiums on world poetry. It also proposes to institute a best Poet award annually - through an evaluation by a panel of judges selected fron^all over the world. It also recommends delegates for International Seminars and deputes poets on International exchange basis for poetry reading tours. It also publishes - monographs and books of individual poets under our International Eminent Poets Series.


Hurry up ! And join the galaxy of world elite - in the contemporary field of world peotry soon - as a FELLOW OF THE ACADEMY. Your poetry will be carried to shores afar and claims beyond. For more details write to the undersigned.


Founder - President

Where Bards of East & West mass Orphic Arms of Peace in Poetry